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    Trump held fundraiser at former Sun CEO Scott McNealy's Silicon Valley house on Tuesday

    File Photo: President Donald Trump

    Getty Images

    President Trump held a campaign fundraiser at the home of Sun Microsystems co-founder Scott McNealy Tuesday, marking Trump's first fundraiser in the Bay area since being elected president. A giant inflatable baby Trump was not far behind.

    The details of the $1,000 to $50,000-per-plate event were held quite tightly by local GOP officials, as attendees were reportedly asked to arrive at a remote location before being shuttled to McNealy's mansion.

    Once local activists like Vigil for Democracy caught wind, however, protesters arrived in droves to demonstrate against the Trump Administration, bringing a giant inflatable baby Trump along the way, echoing past protests.

    McNealy, who is a self-described "raging capitalist," has gained notoriety for being one of the only Silicon Valley executives to support the president. Prior to the 2016 election, McNealy contributed close to $40,000 to the National Republican Congressional Committee, according to the Federal Election Commission. The only candidate he's contributed to in recent years is former House Speaker Paul Ryan, the Republican from Wisconsin who decided to retire last year.

    Sun, which made computer hardware, including servers that powered early internet sites, was one of the biggest tech companies in the world in the 1990s, but fell on hard times and was sold to Oracle for $7.4 billion in 2009. McNealy retired in 2006.

    In total, Trump will reportedly rake in around $15 million during his two-day trip to the Bay Area.

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